Monday, April 18, 2011

Shameless Advertising

I sell wickless candles. I did the math earlier and discovered that in order for me to support myself and four children on my own based on current living arrangements and expenses I'd need to sell $7,200 worth of product on a monthly basis. Currently I average $150 in sales each month which takes a considerable amount of begging and some of my own money. $150 in sales equals around $37 in my pocket on the 10th of the following month.

So yeah, that sucks. Unlike some people I know I don't have a million friends and acquaintances who adore me and want to buy whatever I'm selling. I can hear the echo of some thoughts right now... Maybe if you were in church... That is the answer to everything for some people. Like my mother-in-law, who told my husband we wouldn't be having issues in our marriage right now if we were in church. I'd like to write her a nice little letter and explain in detail to her all the things her little boy got into while living under her roof and attending her church...but they like to blame me for the way he turned out, might as well let 'em because it would be like arguing with any given inanimate object.

But I digress as usual...

I've never been a people person, never been a great salesperson either. I sucked at telemarketing, I sucked at trying to get customers to open new accounts with my bank, I suck at selling this product that I love. There are two main reasons: Firstly, my area is so freaking saturated with consultants that every time I go to the grocery store there is a vehicle parked near mine with the company logo and consultant's contact information on it. Two of my neighbors are consultants. My friends and family all know other consultants. Just recently I had not one but two people want to order from me and then go behind my back and order with someone else. I want my catalogs back, bitches. Those things cost me money!

Secondly, I have trouble trying to talk people into buying something that they may not be able to afford. I can barely afford to keep my stock of scents up. I learned fairly quickly that I couldn't afford to pretend like I'm a top seller. I dished out loads of money at first for all the supplies and doodads to throw a great house party. I've done two parties in the last year. The first party I sold $20 in product, the second was better, but not enough to earn back the gas money spent driving to the hostess' house.

Anyway, venting about that is over. Just one of those little threads in my mind at the moment. If you're looking for some wickless candles and you want to support a snarky bitch like me, I'm not difficult to contact.

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