Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hump Day - and Other Pet Peeves

I hate it when people call Wednesday Hump Day. I know it is supposed to be because this is the middle of the week and it is downhill from here to the weekend, but who doesn't think of the word hump as a verb first? With our dirty minds we all know it is more fitting to describe Saturday as Hump Day... who has sex on Wednesdays anyway? Don't answer that.

My detest for the Hump Day title reminds me of my other pet peeves. I really shouldn't find it ironic at all that I have encountered most of my pet peeves on Facebook in the last three days. It's really simple: I wish that people would either learn to spell or hire a stenographer to do all of their postings for them. Is it considered rude to unfriend people simply because you can't stand trying to decipher what the hell they are talking about? I try my best to politely correct some things: If someone continually spells a word wrong I'll comment and make sure that I spell the word the right way. That never works, in fact, it seems to have the opposite effect. The offender instead not only continues spelling the word wrong but seems to use that word more frequently. I'm not talking about commonly misspelled words either! I once knew someone who spelled the word cheap as cheep. All. The. Time. Of course the excuse in that case would probably be that a spell checker isn't going to correct cheep because it isn't the spell checker's job to determine whether or not the writer is describing the sound a bird makes or something that is inexpensive.

Besides the poor spelling, I want to hit people over the head who use text speak instead of proper English any time they are online. Sometimes I have to Google a text term to figure out what someone is saying to me.

A few others that go along with that general pet peeve include USING ALL CAPS - IT IS RUDE AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO GOUGE OUT MY EYES; Using excess punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when your sentence should end with a period instead of an exclamation. Don't get me started on people who Capitalize random Words - this seems popular in my mother's family, I'm not kidding, I thought it was just her and maybe the drugs she's on but all of her blood relatives do the same thing and it grates on me about as much as filing my nails does my husband. Finally, things such as double negatives and phrases like 'got my nails did' are just plain annoying.

My other Facebook pet peeve is when people's profile pictures are always one of them taken in the bathroom mirror with a cell phone camera. Can nobody else snap a picture for you? You didn't flush the toilet, by the way. Gross.


  1. This cracks me up! I put the exclamation there on purpose too:) If you knew me in person instead of just online, you would understand all my excitement through text! Hee hee hee, I did it again. I'm cracking myself up over here. I agree with your post. I hate misspellings over and over again. I think that's the teacher in me.

    When I look back it this, I really think it needs one more exclamation point. :) I will leave it out for now.


    Oh-I love the look of your blog and it's great that it looks like a real journal, but it got a little hard to read in the middle. Just FYI:)

  2. I had a really hard time reading it too. I tried this font before thinking oh how gorgeous, but yeah, pretty much unreadable. I occasionally speak LOlcat on my facebook, but other than that I try to avoid txtspeek and myspelings ;)

  3. I DID change the font earlier and a certain little toddler who shall not be named came up and banged on my keyboard and I all of forgot about my changes until now. I couldn't read it either. Shame, love the font.
