Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Ironing" Out the Kinks

I can think of one time that I've actually put my iron to use in the last six months, and seeing as that was to remove spilled Scentsy wax from a bookshelf rather than getting wrinkles out of clothing (Put it in the dryer for a few minutes, honey, it'll be fine,) I'm enjoying my own little joke about the title of this post.

But I digress. As usual.

If I can get it to work and look pretty I made a little banner for this blog. Between making the kids breakfast/lunch, putting the toddler to nap, sweeping and mopping my entryway for fear that the UPS man would call CPS, that is. You know, the usual. A blog without a banner isn't much of a blog at all anyway, and I've added pictures so my stalkers can be 100% certain they've found the right blog. Enjoy.


  1. The dryer is a great replacement for an iron, except when it still has a load of laundry in it!


  2. Yes, my de-wrinkling plans have many times been thwarted by the loathsome forgotten load.
