Friday, April 15, 2011

Naked Baby Dolls...?

Last year my son (3 at the time) started the phase of always wanting to be naked. Any time we were home or in someone else's home the clothes came off. He's finally outgrown that (mostly) but now my daughter is the little nudist.

Girls have to make everything more complicated than boys do, too, my daughter isn't simply satisfied with being naked, she has to flaunt it - run outside after me completely nude when all I am doing is going to check the mail. Her dolls have to be naked too. Right now she is asking me to remove the sewn on diaper on a little rag doll that has already lost its dress. 

What I don't understand is why she is so picky about her clothes in the first place when she never keeps them on. The child never wears the same pair of underwear for longer than an hour unless she's asleep. I will hold out every item hanging in her closet piece by piece trying to get her to pick an outfit and she'll say "nope," to everything and then wind up dragging out a ratty old pair of pajamas that she outgrew a year ago and demanding to wear that instead.

I started buying her night gowns fantasizing about how cute she'd be in them and how nice it'd be once she realized that she didn't have to take it off every time she needed to use the bathroom. She hates the gowns. She hates all pajamas except those outgrown ones. She hates oversized t-shirts. I even gave her one of my shrunken undershirts, she hates that too. 

Two paragraphs later from my mention of the dolly diaper removal demands I find myself sitting next to an army of naked baby dolls. I told her she can pick ONE doll to take with us for our weekend with grandma and grandpa. Naturally she chooses them all. Now how to explain this one of my mother-in-law. I'm sure HER children never went through a naked phase.


  1. I never outgrew my naked phase :D

  2. Of course you did, you substitute with the "mom" look of ratty sweatpants and a t-shirt!
